Honestly, Who Do You Think Will Win EPL this time?

Friday, 15 June 2007

Derby Preview

A few eyebrows were raised as the manager decided to loan Jeremy Tan, S&R's youngest talent to the opposing team for a local derby fixture. Shag & Run will kick off their week with this Saturday's Derby against Jeremy's team.
"We have to win this match. We just hope that Jovy (manager) won't be playing rugby in front of the goal." Eng Eu said with a smile after last week's training match.

But the most intruiging clash of the opening round of matches will come at nearby Bandar Utama, where former schoolmate Rafie will face the team with his original team.
S&R's striker Lee Chee Hoe, the paramount scorer of the team is looking forward to scoring more goals throughout the season with 8 goals already at his belt.

Training Session

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