Honestly, Who Do You Think Will Win EPL this time?

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Commencing Date

23rd JUNE, 2007
Witness the nostalgic event at Megah Field!!
Sorry guys I won't be coming this week coz I have my mid-terms. Cherio!! - Henry.A


Eng Eu said...

OMG!!!this sat jeremy gonna backstab us!!he gonna play for his team against us!!better win!!jovy dun play rugby in front of the goal again pls!XD

Star Bucaneer said...

Wah that fella!! I not here he overact laaaa!!! Thrash 7 his team la. Do it for the team guys!

Anonymous said...

got me!dont worry

Jeremy said...

Haih... i kena gb on the blog...

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