Honestly, Who Do You Think Will Win EPL this time?

Thursday, 9 August 2007

meng wai's match

cant think of a better title. meng wai has planned with his peeps to have a match next week on saturday. catch is... its in Setapak... so ya... transportation is in discussion and pls put ur attendance in the comment place... we need to know who is going or not


Anonymous said...

me sexxay

MrDimples said...

same here

Anonymous said...

im going too. next week holiday. =D

Anonymous said...

Count me in.


Anonymous said...

i'm fine with it. where is setapak neways?ahha..

Eng Eu said...

aih..dun think i can go!i have diving lesson!!sigh

Anonymous said...

Eh i goin. But where the hell is setapak??!!

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