Honestly, Who Do You Think Will Win EPL this time?

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Aiman Returns In Glory

Aiman shaken-off his injury and returned to the pitch with some textbook performances. During todays training session, he proved himself worthy to be a part of S&R's attacking unit; striking a volley after sublimely setting the ball for himself.

Shag & Run's number 11, Kein Yew has also shown improvements over the weeks with improved ball contro well as long shots. A player who has confidence with the ball can make a huge contribution for the team's success.


Meng Yoei on the other hand, a gifted player with remarkable passing skills and undying agility; shared his experiences and technique with the rest of the mates.

"He's been giving me tips on how to improve," says Kein Yew

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why suddenly put meng yoei there =.=!

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